
Saturday, March 14

My New Digs

It's Saturday morning, so in theory I shouldn't be working right now, but honestly it's a beautiful day and my home office has three windows... which is three more than my actual work office has. (Not complaining--I'm thrilled to have a real office at work! Still, this is nice.)

I'll go outside later, but for now, I'm working on trying to get my classes set up for online instruction, and that's making me feel better than doing nothing.

Actually... if I'm being honest, right now what I'm doing is procrastinating grading the stack of papers I was supposed to grade last week. Sigh... with or without a global pandemic, there will always be papers to grade.

Anyway, I like my desk. My lamp is a gold fox. Or squirrel. I'm not entirely sure. Doesn't matter. There's also a little porcelain pig with wings.  I don't know why I love it so much, but I do. When pigs fly, indeed.

I'm feeling incredibly lucky that I have this space. It's cheerful, and I can actually get work done while I'm here. And since my work is helping my students get through this mess of a semester, that feels good.

More later, I've procrastinated long enough. Those papers aren't going to grade themselves. Even when pigs fly...

xoxo, Lex

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